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EMAIL: cup-edit@cuhk.edu.hk
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A new book series by the Chinese University Press:
Reflections on Asian Modernities
General Editor:
TELEPHONE: (852) 2946-5398
EMAIL: cup-edit@cuhk.edu.hk
FAX: (852) 2603-6692
A new book series by the Chinese University Press:
Reflections on Asian Modernities
General Editor:
Dirlik, Arif
Consulting Editors:
Consulting Editors:
Baik Young-seo
Batmaz, Veysel
Chang Kyung-sup
Ch'en Kuan-hsing
Dong Zhenghua
Hamashita Takeshi
Hsu Cho-yun
Khan, Shamsul
Palat, Ravi
Batmaz, Veysel
Chang Kyung-sup
Ch'en Kuan-hsing
Dong Zhenghua
Hamashita Takeshi
Hsu Cho-yun
Khan, Shamsul
Palat, Ravi
Wang Hui
This series is devoted to exploration of issues of modernity with specific focus on Asian modernities. Postcolonial efforts to overcome Eurocentrism have received additional impetus from the global turn in the study of modernity that has raised significant questions concerning its origins and nature. There is an emergent consensus among scholars that rather than a product of an autonomous European history which then spread globally, modernity is best conceived as an ongoing process dynamized by complex global forces emanating from a multiplicity of locations, that have produced different outcomes in different societies. In this conception, Euro/American modernity is one modernity among others. Dynamized by capitalism and nationalism, European modernity achieved global dominance for two centuries, becoming synonymous with the very idea of the modern. Calls for alternative and multiple modernities in our day reveal, however, that this dominance was not sufficient to erase other possible paths of modernity. The origins of modernity, too, appear differently as modernity is released from the hold on it of Eurocentric historiography. There has been a proliferation of work in recent years that provides evidence of the part played by trans-continental and trans-Oceanic interactions in the emergence of modern societies. Especially important is the part assigned in this new historiography to Asian societies- from Islamic societies across the breadth of the Afro-Eurasian ecumene to the world-systems centered around India in Southern and China in Eastern Asia.
The goal of this series is to promote further scholarship and dialogue in the investigation of the unfolding of modernity in Eurasia. The series will include two types of work without, however, a priori restrictions. Since the reconceptualization of modernity is a fundamental task for the present, the series will encourage theoretical/conceptual work that addresses questions of the substance as well as of the spatial and temporal processes of modernity. These works ideally will be relatively compact(short books or long essays 110-150 pp in length)and written in language that is accessible to readership beyond the academic. The second type of work to be included will be scholarly work devoted to the exploration of the processes of modernity in and between different Asian societies, across the Afro-Eurasian ecumene, and in trans-Oceanic interactions. A fundamental goal of the series is to encourage multiple, and genuinely globalized, perspectives on modernity through work that takes as its point of departure the transcontinental and trans-Oceanic interactions that produced the modern world. It is the premise of the series that the focus on Asian modernities will contribute to this broader goal.
The goal of this series is to promote further scholarship and dialogue in the investigation of the unfolding of modernity in Eurasia. The series will include two types of work without, however, a priori restrictions. Since the reconceptualization of modernity is a fundamental task for the present, the series will encourage theoretical/conceptual work that addresses questions of the substance as well as of the spatial and temporal processes of modernity. These works ideally will be relatively compact(short books or long essays 110-150 pp in length)and written in language that is accessible to readership beyond the academic. The second type of work to be included will be scholarly work devoted to the exploration of the processes of modernity in and between different Asian societies, across the Afro-Eurasian ecumene, and in trans-Oceanic interactions. A fundamental goal of the series is to encourage multiple, and genuinely globalized, perspectives on modernity through work that takes as its point of departure the transcontinental and trans-Oceanic interactions that produced the modern world. It is the premise of the series that the focus on Asian modernities will contribute to this broader goal.
- Editorial arrangements: The editorial arrangement will aim to encourage the editors’ long-term devotion to the series. Prof. Arif Dirlik acts as the General Editor. The line-up for the editorial board is a strong one, with members from fields beyond that of China Studies. The duties of the consulting editors are:
a) to recommend authors and manuscripts;
b) to contribute pieces;
c) to review manuscripts.
- Review procedure: Considering that there are two types of works in the series:
a) for theoretical/conceptual works, one of the consulting editors will act as a reviewer; the other reviewer will be a qualified scholar in the area of interest and will follow the regular practices of the Press;
b) for scholarly works, the regular review process of the Press will be followed, which is outsourcing to two qualified outside scholars to review manuscripts.
In addition to the two review reports, the general editor and/or the consulting editors will provide an additional evaluation for each title.
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